Confidentiality Policies
REACH adheres to several confidentiality policies; Duty to Warn, Notice of Privacy, Informed Consent. These policies follow the mandate of informing all clients of their rights, protection of the services provided, do no harm, inform necessary professionals of threat of harm to the client or harm to others, and refer to emergency professionals if actual threats are presented.
Duty to Warn: No Duty to Warn exists if there is not communication with an intent to cause personal self-injury or harm to others. It is up to REACH to determine if communication relaying any intent for harm has been explicit or implied, or if non-verbal communication implies harm.
Informed Consent: Informed consent cannot be obtained unless REACH is confident the client is capable of providing it. This means that mental capacity, emotional state and age are taking into consideration. If the client is capable, they will be full informed of the services they are asking to receive, be given the opportunity to ask questions, have those questions answered, be advised of possible outcomes, be advised of possible reactions and responses to receiving the services. This communication exchange will be fully documented.
Notice of Privacy: Notice of Privacy pertains to ensuring the client has been fully informed of how their information will be used, and giving consent. This may include; ways we gather that information, what is done with that information, what is not done with that information, and rights of further use of the information. This also includes awareness and agreement of clients/client groups, to lack of privacy that may occur in virtual/telehealth circumstances, where REACH is not responsible for the privacy situations at the client/client groups own location.

REACH Trauma Response Consulting Ltd.
Rehabilitative Education and Comprehensive Health